Package 'zCompositions'

Title: Treatment of Zeros, Left-Censored and Missing Values in Compositional Data Sets
Description: Principled methods for the imputation of zeros, left-censored and missing data in compositional data sets (Palarea-Albaladejo and Martin-Fernandez (2015) <doi:10.1016/j.chemolab.2015.02.019>).
Authors: Javier Palarea-Albaladejo [cre, aut] , Josep Antoni Martin-Fernandez [aut]
Maintainer: Javier Palarea-Albaladejo <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 2)
Version: 1.5.0-4
Built: 2025-02-14 04:41:07 UTC

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Bayesian-Multiplicative replacement of count zeros


This function implements methods for imputing zeros in compositional count data sets based on a Bayesian-multiplicative replacement.


cmultRepl(X, label = 0,
             method = c("GBM","SQ","BL","CZM","user"), output = c("prop","p-counts"),
             frac = 0.65, threshold = 0.5, adjust = TRUE, t = NULL, s = NULL,
             z.warning = 0.8, z.delete = TRUE, suppress.print = FALSE,
             delta = NULL)



Count data set (matrix or data.frame class).


Unique label (numeric or character) used to denote count zeros in X (default label=0).


Geometric Bayesian multiplicative (GBM, default); square root BM (SQ); Bayes-Laplace BM (BL); count zero multiplicative (CZM); user-specified hyper-parameters (user).


Output format: imputed proportions (prop, default) or pseudo-counts (p-counts).


If method="CZM", fraction of the upper threshold used to impute zeros (default frac=0.65). Also, fraction of the lowest estimated probability used to adjust imputed proportions falling above it (when adjust=TRUE).


For a vector of counts, factor applied to the quotient 1 over the number of trials (sum of the counts) used to produce an upper limit for replacing zero counts by the CZM method (default threshold=0.5).


Logical vector setting whether imputed proportions falling above the lowest estimated probability for a multinomial part must be adjusted or not (default adjust=TRUE).


If method="user", user-specified t hyper-parameter of the Dirichlet prior distribution for each count vector (row) in X. It must be a matrix of the same dimensions as X.


If method="user", user-specified s hyper-parameter of the Dirichlet prior distribution for each count vector (row) in X. It must be a vector of length equal to the number of rows of X.


Threshold used to identify individual rows or columns including an excess of zeros/unobserved values (to be specify in proportions, default z.warning=0.8).


Logical value. If set to TRUE, rows/columns identified by z.warning are omitted in the imputed data set. Otherwise, the function stops in error when rows/columns are identified by z.warning (default z.delete=TRUE).


Suppress printed feedback (suppress.print=FALSE, default).


This argument has been deprecated and replaced by frac (see package's NEWS for details).


Zero counts, assumed to be due to under-reporting or limited sampling, are imputed under a Bayesian paradigm (GBM, SQ or BL method) by posterior estimates of the multinomial probabilities generating the counts, assuming a Dirichlet prior distribution. The argument method sets the Dirichlet hyper-parameters t (priori estimates of multinomial probabilities) and s (strength). The user can specify their own by setting method="user" and entering them as t and s arguments. Note that, under certain circumstances (see references for details), these methods can generate imputed proportions falling above the lowest estimated probability of a multinomial part (c/n, where c is the count and n is the number of trials). In such cases, the imputation is adjusted by using a fraction (frac) of the minimum c/n for that part. Lastly, the non-zero parts are multiplicatively adjusted according to their compositional nature.

On the other hand, method="CZM" uses multiplicative simple replacement (multRepl) on the matrix of estimated probabilities. The upper limit and the fraction used are specified by, respectively, the arguments threshold and frac. Suggested values are threshold=0.5 (so the upper limit for a multinomial probability turns out to be 0.5/n), and frac=0.65 (so the imputed proportion is 65% of the upper limit).


By default (output="prop") the function returns an imputed data set (data.frame class) in proportions (estimated probabilities). Alternatively, these proportions are re-scaled to produce a compositionally-equivalent matrix of pseudo-counts (output="p-counts") which preserves the ratios between parts.

When adjust=TRUE and verbose=TRUE, the number of times, if any, an imputed proportion was adjusted to fall below the minimum estimated multinomial probability is printed.


Martin-Fernandez, J.A., Hron, K., Templ, M., Filzmoser, P., Palarea-Albaladejo, J. Bayesian-multiplicative treatment of count zeros in compositional data sets. Statistical Modelling 2015; 15: 134-158.

Palarea-Albaladejo J. and Martin-Fernandez JA. zCompositions – R package for multivariate imputation of left-censored data under a compositional approach. Chemometrics and Intelligence Laboratory Systems 2015; 143: 85-96.

See Also




# GBM method and matrix of estimated probabilities
Pigs.GBM <- cmultRepl(Pigs)

Log-contrast homogeneity test


This function tests for homogeneity across groups of means and variances of user-defined log-contrasts. Groups can be defined by either zero/unobserved data patterns or by a grouping factor in fully observed zero-free data sets.


  label = 0,
  groups = NULL,
  lc = NULL,
  method = c("parametric", "nonparametric"),
  b = 1000



Compositional data set (matrix or data.frame class).


Unique label (numeric or character) used to denote zero or unobserved data in X (label = 0, default).


Grouping factor in fully observed zero-free data sets (groups = NULL, default).


User-defined log-contrast (see details below).


Approach used for mean and variance homogeneity testing (method = "parametric", default).


Number of bootstrap resamples used by permutation test (b = 1000, default).


Homogeneity of log-contrast means and variances across groups is tested using either parametric or non-parametric tests. When method = "parametric", ordinary analysis of variance and Bartlett's tests are used. Alternatively, Kruskal-Wallis and Fligner-Killen tests are used instead when method = "nonparametric". The results of a permutation test of homogeneity of variation arrays based on total weighted squared relative errors are also provided (see zVarArrayTest for more details). The log-contrast is specified by the lc argument using a vector of codes 1, -1 and 0 for components in the numerator, denominator and omitted respectively.


Test p-values for log-contrast means and variances.

See Also

zPatterns, zVarArray, zVarArrayError.


zPatterns(Water, label = 0)

# Test of homogeneity in log-contrast Potassium/Arsenic*Calcium
lcTest(Water, label = 0, lc = c(1,-1,-1,0))

La Paloma data set


96 samples of a 15-part geochemical composition in micrograms/gram from La Paloma stream (Venezuela) including 6.11% values below the limit of detection (coded as 0). For more details see Montero-Serrano et al. (2010).




A data.frame with 96 observations on the following 15 variables.


a numeric vector


a numeric vector


a numeric vector


a numeric vector


a numeric vector


a numeric vector


a numeric vector


a numeric vector


a numeric vector


a numeric vector


a numeric vector


a numeric vector


a numeric vector


a numeric vector


a numeric vector


Montero-Serrano JC, Palarea-Albaladejo J, Martin-Fernandez JA, and Martinez-Santana M and Gutierrez-Martin JV. Multivariate analysis applied to chemostratigraphic data: identification of chemofacies and stratigraphic correlation, Sedimentary Geology 2010; 228(3-4): 218-228 .




La Paloma data set (incl. zeros and missing data)


96 samples of a 15-part geochemical composition in micrograms/gram from La Paloma stream (Venezuela). For more details see Montero-Serrano et al. (2010).

Duplicate of the LPdata data set including 2.36% missing at random cells (35.42% samples with missing data; coded as NA) along with 6.11% values below the limit of detection (coded as 0).




A data.frame with 96 observations on the following 15 variables.


a numeric vector


a numeric vector


a numeric vector


a numeric vector


a numeric vector


a numeric vector


a numeric vector


a numeric vector


a numeric vector


a numeric vector


a numeric vector


a numeric vector


a numeric vector


a numeric vector


a numeric vector


Montero-Serrano JC, Palarea-Albaladejo J, Martin-Fernandez JA, and Martinez-Santana M and Gutierrez-Martin JV. Multivariate analysis applied to chemostratigraphic data: identification of chemofacies and stratigraphic correlation, Sedimentary Geology 2010; 228(3-4): 218-228 .

See Also




zPatterns(LPdataZM,label=0) # Show zero patterns

zPatterns(LPdataZM,label=NA) # Show missingness patterns

Log-ratio DA algorithm


This function implements a simulation-based Data Augmentation (DA) algorithm to impute left-censored values (e.g. values below detection limit, rounded zeros) via coordinates representation of compositional data sets which incorporate the information of the relative covariance structure. Alternatively, this function can be used to impute missing data. Multiple imputation estimates can be also obtained from the output.


lrDA(X, label = NULL, dl = NULL,
        ini.cov=c("lrEM","complete.obs","multRepl"), frac = 0.65,
        imp.missing = FALSE, n.iters = 1000, m = 1, store.mi = FALSE, closure = NULL,
        z.warning = 0.8, z.delete = TRUE, delta = NULL)



Compositional data set (matrix or data.frame class).


Unique label (numeric or character) used to denote zeros/unobserved values in X.


Numeric vector or matrix of detection limits/thresholds. These must be given on the same scale as X. If NULL the column minima are used as thresholds.


Initial estimation of the log-ratio covariance matrix. It can be based on lrEM estimation ("lrEM", default), complete observations ("complete.obs") or multiplicative simple replacement ("multRepl").


If ini.cov="multRepl", parameter for initial multiplicative simple replacement (multRepl) (default = 0.65).


If TRUE then unobserved data identified by label are treated as missing data (default = FALSE).


Number of iterations for the DA algorithm (default = 1000).


Number of multiple imputations (default = 1).


Logical value. If m>1 creates a list with m imputed data matrices. (store.mi=FALSE, default).


Closure value used to add a residual part if needed when multiplicative simple replacement is used to initiate the DA algorithm, either directly (ini.cov="multRepl") or as part of lrEM estimation (ini.cov="lrEM") (see ?multRepl).


Threshold used to identify individual rows or columns including an excess of zeros/unobserved values (to be specify in proportions, default z.warning=0.8).


Logical value. If set to TRUE, rows/columns identified by z.warning are omitted in the imputed data set. Otherwise, the function stops in error when rows/columns are identified by z.warning (default z.delete=TRUE).


This argument has been deprecated and replaced by frac (see package's NEWS for details).


After convergence of the Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) iterative process to its steady state, this function imputes unobserved compositional parts by simulated values from their posterior predictive distributions through coordinates representation, given the information from the observed data. For left-censoring problems, it allows for either single (vector form) or multiple (matrix form, same size as X) limits of detection by component. Any threshold value can be set for non-censored elements (e.g. use 0 if no threshold for a particular column or element of the data matrix).

It produces imputed data sets on the same scale as the input data set. If X is not closed to a constant sum, then the results are adjusted to provide a compositionally equivalent data set, expressed in the original scale, which leaves the absolute values of the observed components unaltered.

The common conjugate normal inverted-Wishart distribution with non-informative Jeffreys prior has been assumed for the model parameters in the coordinates space. Under this setting, convergence is expected to be fast (n.iters set to 1000 by default). Besides, considering EM parameter estimates as initial point for the DA algorithm (ini.cov="lrEM") assures faster convergence by starting near the centre of the posterior distribution. Note that the estimation of the covariance matrix requires a regular data set, i.e. having more observations than variables in the data.

By setting m greater than 1, the procedure also allows for multiple imputations of the censored values drawn at regular intervals after convergence. In this case, in addition to the burn-in period for convergence, n.iters determines the gap, large enough to prevent from correlated values, between successive imputations. The total number of iterations is then n.iters*m. By default, a single imputed data set results from averaging the m imputations in the space of coordinates. If store.mi=TRUE, a list with m imputed data sets is generated instead.

In the case of censoring patterns involving samples containing only one observed component, these are imputed by multiplicative simple replacement (multRepl) and a warning message identifying them is printed.

Missing data imputation

This function can be employed to impute missing data by setting imp.missing = TRUE. For this case, the argument label indicates the unique label for missing values. The argument dl is ignored as it is meaningless here.


A data.frame object containing the imputed compositional data set expressed in the original scale, or a list of imputed data sets if multiple imputation is carried out (m>1) and store.mi=TRUE.


Palarea-Albaladejo J, Martin-Fernandez JA, Olea, RA. A bootstrap estimation scheme for chemical compositional data with nondetects. Journal of Chemometrics 2014; 28: 585-599.

Palarea-Albaladejo J. and Martin-Fernandez JA. zCompositions – R package for multivariate imputation of left-censored data under a compositional approach. Chemometrics and Intelligence Laboratory Systems 2015; 143: 85-96.

See Also

zPatterns, lrEM, lrSVD, multRepl, multLN, multKM, cmultRepl


# Data set closed to 100 (percentages, common dl = 1%)
X <- matrix(c(26.91,8.08,12.59,31.58,6.45,14.39,

# Imputation by single simulated values
X_lrDA <- lrDA(X,label=0,dl=rep(1,6),ini.cov="multRepl",n.iters=150)

# Imputation by multiple imputation (m = 5, one imputation every 150 iterations)
X_milrDA <- lrDA(X,label=0,dl=rep(1,6),ini.cov="multRepl",m=5,n.iters=150)

# Multiple limits of detection by component
mdl <- matrix(0,ncol=6,nrow=10)
mdl[2,] <- rep(1,6)
mdl[4,] <- rep(0.75,6)
mdl[6,] <- rep(0.5,6)
mdl[8,] <- rep(0.5,6)
mdl[10,] <- c(0,0,1,0,0.8,0.7)

X_lrDA2 <- lrDA(X,label=0,dl=mdl,ini.cov="multRepl",n.iters=150)

# Non-closed compositional data set
data(LPdata) # data (ppm/micrograms per gram)
dl <- c(2,1,0,0,2,0,6,1,0.6,1,1,0,0,632,10) # limits of detection (0 for no limit)
LPdata2 <- subset(LPdata,select=-c(Cu,Ni,La))  # select a subset for illustration purposes
dl2 <- dl[-c(5,7,10)]

## Not run:  # May take a little while
LPdata2_lrDA <- lrDA(LPdata2,label=0,dl=dl2)
## End(Not run)

## Not run:  # May take a little while
# Treating zeros as missing data for illustration purposes only
LPdata2_lrDAmiss <- lrDA(LPdata2,label=0,imp.missing=TRUE,closure=10^6)
## End(Not run)

Log-ratio EM algorithm


This function implements model-based ordinary and robust Expectation-Maximisation algorithms to impute left-censored data (e.g. values below detection limit, rounded zeros) via coordinates representation of compositional data which incorporate the information of the relative covariance structure.

This function can be also used to impute missing data instead by setting imp.missing = TRUE (see lrEMplus to treat censored and missing data simultaneously).


lrEM(X, label = NULL, dl = NULL, rob = FALSE,
        ini.cov = c("complete.obs", "multRepl"), frac = 0.65,
        tolerance = 0.0001, max.iter = 50, rlm.maxit = 150,
        imp.missing = FALSE, suppress.print = FALSE, closure = NULL,
        z.warning = 0.8, z.delete = TRUE, delta = NULL)



Compositional data set (matrix or data.frame class).


Unique label (numeric or character) used to denote zeros/unobserved values in X.


Numeric vector or matrix of detection limits/thresholds. These must be given on the same scale as X. If NULL the column minima are used as thresholds.


Logical value. FALSE provides maximum-likelihood estimates of model parameters (default), TRUE provides robust parameter estimates.


Initial estimation of either the log-ratio covariance matrix (ML estimation) or unobserved data (robust estimation). It can be based on either complete observations ("complete.obs", default) or multiplicative simple replacement ("multRepl").


If ini.cov="multRepl", parameter for initial multiplicative simple replacement of left-censored data (see multRepl) (default = 0.65).


Convergence criterion for the EM algorithm (default = 0.0001).


Maximum number of iterations for the EM algorithm (default = 50).


If rob=TRUE, maximum number of iterations for the embedded robust regression estimation (default = 150; see rlm for details).


If TRUE then unobserved data identified by label are treated as missing data (default = FALSE).


Suppress printed feedback (suppress.print = FALSE, default).


Closure value used to add a residual part if needed when ini.cov="multRepl" is used (see ?multRepl).


Threshold used to identify individual rows or columns including an excess of zeros/unobserved values (to be specify in proportions, default z.warning=0.8).


Logical value. If set to TRUE, rows/columns identified by z.warning are omitted in the imputed data set. Otherwise, the function stops in error when rows/columns are identified by z.warning (default z.delete=TRUE).


This argument has been deprecated and replaced by frac (see package's NEWS for details).


After convergence, this function imputes unobserved compositional data by their estimated conditional expected values through coordinates representation, given the information from the observed data. For left-censoring problems, it allows for either single (vector form) or multiple (matrix form, same size as X) limits of detection by component. Any threshold value can be set for non-censored elements (e.g. use 0 if no threshold for a particular column or element of the data matrix).

It produces an imputed data set on the same scale as the input data set. If X is not closed to a constant sum, then the results are adjusted to provide a compositionally equivalent data set, expressed in the original scale, which leaves the absolute values of the observed components unaltered.

Under maximum likelihood (ML) estimation (default, rob=FALSE), a correction factor based on the residual covariance obtained by censored regression is applied for the correct estimation of the conditional covariance matrix in the maximisation step of the EM algorithm. This is required in order to obtain the conditional expectation of the sum of cross-products between two components in the case that both involve imputed values. Note that the procedure is based on the oblique additive log-ratio (alr) transformation to simplify calculations and alleviates computational burden. Nonetheless, the same results would be obtained using an isometric log-ratio transformation (ilr). Note also that alr requires at least one complete column. Otherwise, a preliminary imputation, e.g. by multRepl or multLN, of the most simplest censoring pattern may be enough. The argument ini.cov determines how the initial estimation of the log-ratio covariance matrix required to start the EM process is worked out. Note that the estimation of the covariance matrix, and hence the lrEM routine, requires a regular data set, i.e. having more observations than variables in the data.

Under robust estimation (rob=TRUE), the algorithm requires ilr transformations in order to satisfy requirements for robust estimation methods (MM-estimation by default, see rlm function for more details). An initial estimation of nondetects is required to get the algorithm started. This can be based on either the subset of fully observed cases (ini.cov="complete.obs") or a multiplicative simple replacement of all nondetects in the data set (ini.cov="multRepl"). Note that the robust regression method involved includes random elements which can, occasionally, give rise to NaN values getting the routine execution halted. If this happened, we suggest to simply re-run the function once again.

Note that conditional imputation based on log-ratio coordinates cannot be conducted when there exist censoring patterns including samples with only one observed component. As a workaround, lrEM applies multiplicative simple replacement (multRepl) on those and a warning message identifying the problematic cases is printed. Alternatively, it might be sensible to simply remove those non-informative samples from the data set.

Missing data imputation

When imp.missing = TRUE, unobserved values are treated as general missing data and imputed by their conditional expectation using the EM algorithm. Either maximum-likelihood or robust estimation can be used through the rob argument. For this case, the argument label indicates the unique label for missing values. The algorithm can be initiated using either "complete.obs" or "multRepl" (for missing data) as specified by the ini.cov argument. The argument dl is ignored.


A data.frame object containing the imputed compositional data set expressed in the original scale. The number of iterations required for convergence is also printed (this can be suppressed by setting suppress.print=TRUE).


Martin-Fernandez, J.A., Hron, K., Templ, M., Filzmoser, P., Palarea-Albaladejo, J. Model-based replacement of rounded zeros in compositional data: classical and robust approaches. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 2012; 56: 2688-2704.

Palarea-Albaladejo J, Martin-Fernandez JA, Gomez-Garcia J. A parametric approach for dealing with compositional rounded zeros. Mathematical Geology 2007; 39: 625-45.

Palarea-Albaladejo J, Martin-Fernandez JA. A modified EM alr-algorithm for replacing rounded zeros in compositional data sets. Computers & Geosciences 2008; 34: 902-917.

Palarea-Albaladejo J, Martin-Fernandez JA. Values below detection limit in compositional chemical data. Analytica Chimica Acta 2013; 764: 32-43.

Palarea-Albaladejo J. and Martin-Fernandez JA. zCompositions – R package for multivariate imputation of left-censored data under a compositional approach. Chemometrics and Intelligence Laboratory Systems 2015; 143: 85-96.

See Also

zPatterns, lrSVD, lrDA, multRepl, multLN, multKM, cmultRepl


# Data set closed to 100 (percentages, common dl = 1%)
X <- matrix(c(26.91,8.08,12.59,31.58,6.45,14.39,
X_lrEM <- lrEM(X,label=0,dl=rep(1,6),ini.cov="multRepl")
X_roblrEM <- lrEM(X,label=0,dl=rep(1,6),ini.cov="multRepl",rob=TRUE,tolerance=0.001)

# Multiple limits of detection by component
mdl <- matrix(0,ncol=6,nrow=10)
mdl[2,] <- rep(1,6)
mdl[4,] <- rep(0.75,6)
mdl[6,] <- rep(0.5,6)
mdl[8,] <- rep(0.5,6)
mdl[10,] <- c(0,0,1,0,0.8,0.7)

X_lrEM2 <- lrEM(X,label=0,dl=mdl,ini.cov="multRepl")

# Non-closed compositional data set
data(LPdata) # data (ppm/micrograms per gram)
dl <- c(2,1,0,0,2,0,6,1,0.6,1,1,0,0,632,10) # limits of detection (0 for no limit)
LPdata2 <- subset(LPdata,select=-c(Cu,Ni,La))  # select a subset for illustration purposes
dl2 <- dl[-c(5,7,10)]

LPdata2_lrEM <- lrEM(LPdata2,label=0,dl=dl2)
LPdata2_roblrEM <- lrEM(LPdata2,label=0,dl=dl2,rob=TRUE,tolerance=0.005)

# Two subsets of limits of detection (using e.g. robust parameter estimation)
 # Using a subset of LPdata for faster execution
data(LPdata) # data (ppm/micrograms per gram)
LPdata2 <- subset(LPdata,select=-c(Cu,Ni,La))
dl2 <- c(2,1,0,0,0,1,0.6,1,0,0,632,10)
 # DLs for first 50 samples of LPdata2
dl2a <- matrix(rep(1,50),ncol=1)%*%dl2
 # DLs for last 46 samples of LPdata
dl2b <- matrix(rep(1,46),ncol=1)%*%c(1,0.5,0,0,0,0.75,0.3,1,0,0,600,8) 

mdl <- rbind(dl2a,dl2b)
LPdata2_roblrEM <- lrEM(LPdata2,label=0,dl=mdl,rob=TRUE,tolerance=0.005)

# Treating zeros as general missing data for illustration purposes only
LPdata2_miss <- lrEM(LPdata2,label=0,imp.missing=TRUE)

Log-ratio EM algorithm (plus)


This function implements an extended version of the log-ratio EM algorithm (lrEM function) to simultaneously deal with both zeros (i.e. data below detection limit, rounded zeros) and missing data in compositional data sets.

Note: zeros and missing data must be labelled using 0 and NA respectively to use this function.


lrEMplus(X, dl = NULL, rob = FALSE,
            ini.cov = c("complete.obs", "multRepl"), frac = 0.65,
            tolerance = 0.0001, max.iter = 50, rlm.maxit = 150,
            suppress.print = FALSE, closure = NULL,
            z.warning = 0.8, z.delete = TRUE, delta = NULL)



Compositional data set (matrix or data.frame class).


Numeric vector or matrix of detection limits/thresholds. These must be given on the same scale as X. If NULL the column minima are used as thresholds.


Logical value. FALSE provides maximum-likelihood estimates of model parameters (default), TRUE provides robust parameter estimates.


Initial estimation of either the log-ratio covariance matrix (ML estimation) or unobserved data (robust estimation). It can be based on either complete observations ("complete.obs", default) or multiplicative simple replacement ("multRepl").


If ini.cov="multRepl", parameter for initial multiplicative simple replacement of left-censored data (see multRepl) (default = 0.65).


Convergence criterion (default = 0.0001).


Maximum number of iterations (default = 50).


If rob=TRUE, maximum number of iterations for the embedded robust regression estimation (default = 150; see rlm for details).


Suppress printed feedback (suppress.print = FALSE, default).


Closure value used to add a residual part if needed when ini.cov="multRepl" is used (see ?multRepl).


Threshold used to identify individual rows or columns including an excess of zeros/unobserved values (to be specify in proportions, default z.warning=0.8).


Logical value. If set to TRUE, rows/columns identified by z.warning are omitted in the imputed data set. Otherwise, the function stops in error when rows/columns are identified by z.warning (default z.delete=TRUE).


This argument has been deprecated and replaced by frac (see package's NEWS for details).


The procedure starts with an initial imputation of either zeros (using simple replacement with frac*dl) or missing values (using geometric mean imputation from observed data) depending of which problem is the least frequent in the data set. Subsequently, iterative calls to lrEM replace zeros and missing data alternately until convergence to a stable solution or the maximum number of iterations is reached.

See ?lrEM for more details.


A data.frame object containing the imputed compositional data set in the same scale as the original. The number of iterations required for convergence is also printed (this can be suppressed by setting suppress.print=TRUE).


Martin-Fernandez, J.A., Hron, K., Templ, M., Filzmoser, P., Palarea-Albaladejo, J. Model-based replacement of rounded zeros in compositional data: classical and robust approaches. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 2012; 56: 2688-2704.

Palarea-Albaladejo J, Martin-Fernandez JA, Gomez-Garcia J. A parametric approach for dealing with compositional rounded zeros. Mathematical Geology 2007; 39: 625-45.

Palarea-Albaladejo J, Martin-Fernandez JA. A modified EM alr-algorithm for replacing rounded zeros in compositional data sets. Computers & Geosciences 2008; 34: 902-917.

Palarea-Albaladejo J, Martin-Fernandez JA. Values below detection limit in compositional chemical data. Analytica Chimica Acta 2013; 764: 32-43.

Palarea-Albaladejo J. and Martin-Fernandez JA. zCompositions – R package for multivariate imputation of left-censored data under a compositional approach. Chemometrics and Intelligence Laboratory Systems 2015; 143: 85-96.

See Also



# Data set closed to 100 (percentages, common dl = 1%)
# (Note that zeros and missing in the same row or column are allowed)
X <- matrix(c(26.91,8.08,12.59,31.58,6.45,14.39,
X_lrEMplus <- lrEMplus(X,dl=rep(1,6),ini.cov="multRepl")
X_roblrEMplus <- lrEMplus(X,dl=rep(1,6),ini.cov="multRepl",rob=TRUE,max.iter=4)

# Multiple limits of detection by component
mdl <- matrix(0,ncol=6,nrow=10)
mdl[2,] <- rep(1,6)
mdl[4,] <- rep(0.75,6)
mdl[6,] <- rep(0.5,6)
mdl[8,] <- rep(0.5,6)
mdl[10,] <- c(0,0,1,0,0.8,0.7)

X_lrEMplus2 <- lrEMplus(X,dl=mdl,ini.cov="multRepl")

# Non-closed compositional data set
data(LPdataZM) # (in ppm; 0 is nondetect and NA is missing data)

dl <- c(2,1,0,0,2,0,6,1,0.6,1,1,0,0,632,10) # limits of detection (0 for no limit)
LPdataZM2 <- subset(LPdataZM,select=-c(Cu,Ni,La))  # select a subset for illustration purposes
dl2 <- dl[-c(5,7,10)]

LPdataZM2_lrEMplus <- lrEMplus(LPdataZM2,dl=dl2)

Log-ratio SVD algorithm


This function implements an iterative algorithm to impute left-censored data (e.g. values below detection limit, rounded zeros) based on the singular value decomposition (SVD) of a compositional data set. It is particularly indicated for the case in which the data contain more variables than observations.

This function can be also used to impute missing data instead by setting imp.missing = TRUE (see lrSVDplus to treat censored and missing data simultaneously).


lrSVD(X, label = NULL, dl = NULL, frac = 0.65, ncp = 2, 
         imp.missing=FALSE, beta = 0.5, method = c("ridge", "EM"),
         row.w = NULL, coeff.ridge = 1, threshold = 1e-04, seed = NULL,
         nb.init = 1, max.iter = 1000, z.warning = 0.8, z.delete = TRUE,



Compositional data set (matrix or data.frame class).


Unique label (numeric or character) used to denote zeros/unobserved values in X.


Numeric vector or matrix of detection limits/thresholds. These must be given on the same scale as X. If NULL the column minima are used as thresholds.


Parameter for initial multiplicative simple replacement of left-censored data (see multRepl) (default = 0.65).


Number of components for low-rank matrix approximation (default = 2).


If TRUE then unobserved data identified by label are treated as missing data (default = FALSE).


Weighting parameter, balance between the two conditions in objective function (default = 0.5).


Parameter estimation method for the iterative algorithm (method = "ridge", default).


row weights (default = NULL, a vector of 1 for uniform row weights).


Used when method = "ridge" (default = 1).


Threshold for assessing convergence (default = 1e-04).


Seed for random initialisation of the algorithm (default seed = NULL, unobserved values initially imputed by the column mean).


Number of random initialisations (default = 1).


Maximum number of iterations for the algorithm (default = 1000).


Threshold used to identify individual rows or columns including an excess of zeros/unobserved values (to be specify in proportions, default z.warning=0.8).


Logical value. If set to TRUE, rows/columns identified by z.warning are omitted in the imputed data set. Otherwise, the function stops in error when rows/columns are identified by z.warning (default z.delete=TRUE).


Further arguments.


This function implements an efficient imputation algorithm particularly suitable for the case of continuous high-dimensional (wide) compositional data sets (more columns than rows), although it is equally applicable to regular data sets. It is based on a low-rank representation of the data set by a principal components (PC) model as derived by singular value decomposition (SVD) of the data matrix, extending recent work on principal component imputation and matrix completion methods to the case of censored compositional data (the code builds on the function imputePCA; see missMDA package for more details). A preliminary imputation by multiplicative replacement (see multRepl) is conducted to initiate the iterative algorithm in log-ratio coordinates. Two steps, estimation of latent PC model loadings and imputation of empty data matrix cells using the model, are iteratively repeated until convergence. Parameter fitting in this context is performed by a regularisation method (ridge regression in this case) or by the expectation-maximisation (EM) algorithm. Regularization has been shown generally preferable and it is set as default method (note the regularisation parameter coeff.ridge set to 1 by default. If it is < 1 the result is closer to EM estimation, whereas for values > 1 it is closer to mean estimation).

An imputed data set is produced on the same scale as the input data set. If X is not closed to a constant sum, then the results are adjusted to provide a compositionally equivalent data set, expressed in the original scale, which leaves the absolute values of the observed components unaltered.

Missing data imputation

When imp.missing = TRUE, unobserved values are treated as general missing data. For this case, the argument label indicates the unique label for missing values and the argument dl is ignored.


A data.frame object containing the imputed compositional data set expressed in the original scale.


Palarea-Albaladejo, J, Antoni Martín-Fernández, J, Ruiz-Gazen, A, Thomas-Agnan, C. lrSVD: An efficient imputation algorithm for incomplete high-throughput compositional data. Journal of Chemometrics 2022; 36: e3459.

See Also

zPatterns, lrSVD, lrDA, multRepl, multLN, multKM, cmultRepl, lrSVDplus


# Data set closed to 100 (percentages, common dl = 1%)
 X <- matrix(c(26.91,8.08,12.59,31.58,6.45,14.39,
 X_lrSVD<- lrSVD(X,label=0,dl=rep(1,6))
 # Multiple limits of detection by component
 mdl <- matrix(0,ncol=6,nrow=10)
 mdl[2,] <- rep(1,6)
 mdl[4,] <- rep(0.75,6)
 mdl[6,] <- rep(0.5,6)
 mdl[8,] <- rep(0.5,6)
 mdl[10,] <- c(0,0,1,0,0.8,0.7)
 X_lrSVD2 <- lrSVD(X,label=0,dl=mdl)
 # Non-closed compositional data set
 data(LPdata) # data (ppm/micrograms per gram)
 dl <- c(2,1,0,0,2,0,6,1,0.6,1,1,0,0,632,10) # limits of detection (0 for no limit)
 LPdata2 <- subset(LPdata,select=-c(Cu,Ni,La))  # select a subset for illustration purposes
 dl2 <- dl[-c(5,7,10)]
 LPdata2_lrSVD <- lrSVD(LPdata2,label=0,dl=dl2)
 # Treating zeros as general missing data for illustration purposes only
 LPdata2_miss <- lrSVD(LPdata2,label=0,imp.missing=TRUE)

Log-ratio SVD algorithm (plus)


This function implements an extended version of the log-ratio SVD algorithm (lrSVD function) to simultaneously deal with both zeros (i.e. data below detection limit, rounded zeros) and missing data in compositional data sets.

Note: zeros and missing data must be labelled using 0 and NA respectively to use this function.


lrSVDplus(X, dl = NULL, frac = 0.65,
             ncp = 2, beta = 0.5, method = c("ridge", "EM"), row.w = NULL,
             coeff.ridge = 1, threshold = 1e-04, seed = NULL, nb.init = 1,
             max.iter = 1000, z.warning = 0.8, z.delete = TRUE,



Compositional data set (matrix or data.frame class).


Numeric vector or matrix of detection limits/thresholds. These must be given on the same scale as X. If NULL the column minima are used as thresholds.


Parameter for initial multiplicative simple replacement of left-censored data (see multRepl) (default = 0.65).


Number of components in low-rank matrix approximation (default = 2).


Weighting parameter, balance between the two conditions in objective function (default = 0.5).


Parameter estimation method for the iterative algorithm (method = "ridge", default).


row weights (default = NULL, a vector of 1 for uniform row weights).


Used when method = "ridge" (default = 1).


Threshold for assessing convergence (default = 1e-04).


Seed for random initialisation of the algorithm (default seed = NULL, unobserved values initially imputed by the column mean).


Number of random initialisations (default = 1).


Maximum number of iterations for the algorithm (default = 1000).


Threshold used to identify individual rows or columns including an excess of zeros/unobserved values (to be specify in proportions, default z.warning=0.8).


Logical value. If set to TRUE, rows/columns identified by z.warning are omitted in the imputed data set. Otherwise, the function stops in error when rows/columns are identified by z.warning (default z.delete=TRUE).


Further arguments.


The procedure starts with an initial imputation of zeros (using simple replacement with frac*dl) and missing values (using geometric mean imputation from observed data). Subsequently, the iterative algorithm is run until convergence (see ?lrSVD for more details).


A data.frame object containing the imputed compositional data set expressed in the original scale.


Palarea-Albaladejo, J, Antoni Martín-Fernández, J, Ruiz-Gazen, A, Thomas-Agnan, C. lrSVD: An efficient imputation algorithm for incomplete high-throughput compositional data. Journal of Chemometrics 2022; 36: e3459.

See Also

zPatterns, lrSVD, lrDA, multRepl, multLN, multKM, cmultRepl, lrSVD


# Data set closed to 100 (percentages, common dl = 1%)
# (Note that zeros and missing in the same row or column are allowed)
X <- matrix(c(26.91,8.08,12.59,31.58,6.45,14.39,
X_lrSVDplus <- lrSVDplus(X,dl=rep(1,6))

# Multiple limits of detection by component
mdl <- matrix(0,ncol=6,nrow=10)
mdl[2,] <- rep(1,6)
mdl[4,] <- rep(0.75,6)
mdl[6,] <- rep(0.5,6)
mdl[8,] <- rep(0.5,6)
mdl[10,] <- c(0,0,1,0,0.8,0.7)

X_lrSVDplus2 <- lrSVDplus(X,dl=mdl)

# Non-closed compositional data set
data(LPdataZM) # (in ppm; 0 is nondetect and NA is missing data)

dl <- c(2,1,0,0,2,0,6,1,0.6,1,1,0,0,632,10) # limits of detection (0 for no limit)
LPdataZM2 <- subset(LPdataZM,select=-c(Cu,Ni,La))  # select a subset for illustration purposes
dl2 <- dl[-c(5,7,10)]

LPdataZM2_lrSVDplus <- lrSVDplus(LPdataZM2,dl=dl2)

Water data set: matrix of limits of detection


Matrix of varying limits of detection for the Water data set.




A matrix with 100 rows and 4 columns.


Three limits of detection (0.75, 1 and 1.25) were considered for Potassium, four for Arsenic (1.5, 3, 4 and 5), two for Sulphate (29 and 35) and no one for Calcium.



Multiplicative Kaplan-Meier smoothing spline (KMSS) replacement


This function implements non-parametric multiplicative KMSS imputation of left-censored values (e.g. values below detection limit, rounded zeros) in compositional data sets. It is based on simulation from a smoothing spline fitted to the Kaplan-Meier (KM) estimate of the empirical cumulative distribution function (ECDF) of the data.


multKM(X, label = NULL, dl = NULL, n.draws = 1000, n.knots = NULL,
          z.warning = 0.8, z.delete = TRUE)



Compositional data set (matrix or data.frame class).


Unique label (numeric or character) used to denote zeros/unobserved left-censored values in X.


Numeric vector or matrix of detection limits/thresholds. These must be given on the same scale as X. If NULL the column minima are used as thresholds.


Number of random draws from the inverse KM ECDF generated to produce an averaged imputed value (n.draws=1000, default).


Integer or function giving the number of knots used for fitting a cubic smoothing spline to the KM ECDF (see smooth.spline for default value). It allows for a vector or list of settings per column of X.


Threshold used to identify individual rows or columns including an excess of zeros/unobserved values (to be specify in proportions, default z.warning=0.8).


Logical value. If set to TRUE, rows/columns identified by z.warning are omitted in the imputed data set. Otherwise, the function stops in error when rows/columns are identified by z.warning (default z.delete=TRUE).


This function imputes left-censored compositional values by averaging (geometric mean) n random draws (n.draws argument) from a cubic smoothing spline curve fitting the inverse KM ECDF below the corresponding limit of detection or censoring threshold. It then applies a multiplicative adjustment to preserve the multivariate compositional properties of the samples. It allows for either single (vector form) or multiple (matrix form, same size as X) limits of detection by component. Although note that it is equivalent to simple substitution by the limit of detection for singly censored components. Any threshold value can be set for non-censored elements (e.g. use 0 if no threshold for a particular column or element of the data matrix).

It produces an imputed data set on the same scale as the input data set. If X is not closed to a constant sum, then the results are adjusted to provide a compositionally equivalent data set, expressed in the original scale, which leaves the absolute values of the observed components unaltered.

The level of smoothing of the estimated spline can be controlled by the n.knots argument. The function splineKM can assist in choosing a finer value, although the default setting works generally well.


A data.frame object containing the imputed compositional data set expressed in the original scale.


Palarea-Albaladejo J. and Martin-Fernandez JA. zCompositions – R package for multivariate imputation of left-censored data under a compositional approach. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 2015; 143: 85-96.

See Also

zPatterns, splineKM, lrEM, lrSVD, lrDA, multRepl, multLN, cmultRepl


data(mdl) # matrix of limits of detection for Water

Water_multKM <- multKM(Water,label=0,dl=mdl)

# Different smoothing degree by component
Water_multKM2 <- multKM(Water,label=0,dl=mdl,n.knots=c(25,50,30,75))

# Easy to use for KM multiple imputation (m = 10)
Water.mi <- vector("list",length=10)
for (m in 1:10){
  Water.mi[[m]] <- multKM(Water,label=0,dl=mdl,n.draws=1)

Multiplicative lognormal replacement


This function implements model-based multiplicative lognormal imputation of left-censored values (e.g. values below detection limit, rounded zeros) in compositional data sets.


multLN(X, label = NULL, dl = NULL, rob = FALSE, random = FALSE,
          z.warning = 0.8, z.delete = TRUE)



Compositional data set (matrix or data.frame class).


Unique label (numeric or character) used to denote zeros/unobserved left-censored values in X.


Numeric vector or matrix of detection limits/thresholds. These must be given on the same scale as X. If NULL the column minima are used as thresholds.


Logical value. FALSE provides maximum-likelihood estimates of model parameters (default), TRUE provides robust estimates (see NADA package for details).


Logical value. Values imputed using either estimated geometric mean (FALSE, default) or random values (TRUE) below the limit of detection.


Threshold used to identify individual rows or columns including an excess of zeros/unobserved values (to be specify in proportions, default z.warning=0.8).


Logical value. If set to TRUE, rows/columns identified by z.warning are omitted in the imputed data set. Otherwise, the function stops in error when rows/columns are identified by z.warning (default z.delete=TRUE).


By default, this function imputes left-censored compositional values by the estimated geometric mean of the values below the corresponding limit of detection or censoring threshold and applies a multiplicative adjustment to preserve the multivariate compositional properties of the samples. Alternatively, imputation can be carried out by random values below the limit of detection (random = TRUE) based on a normal distribution on the positive real line (see below).

It depends on package NADA to produce the required model parameter estimates (either maximum likelihood or robust regression on order statistics). It allows for either single (vector form) or multiple (matrix form, same size as X) limits of detection by component. Any threshold value can be set for non-censored elements (e.g. use 0 if no threshold for a particular column or element of the data matrix).

It produces an imputed data set on the same scale as the input data set. If X is not closed to a constant sum, then the results are adjusted to provide a compositionally equivalent data set, expressed in the original scale, which leaves the absolute values of the observed components unaltered. Note that a normal distribution on the positive real line is considered. That is, it is defined with respect to a measure according to own geometry of the positive real line, instead of the standard lognormal based on the Lebesgue measure in real space.


A data.frame object containing the imputed compositional data set expressed in the original scale.


Mateu-Figueras G, Pawlowsky-Glahn V, Egozcue JJ. The normal distribution in some constrained sample spaces. SORT 2013; 37: 29-56.

Palarea-Albaladejo J, Martin-Fernandez JA. Values below detection limit in compositional chemical data. Analytica Chimica Acta 2013; 764: 32-43.

Palarea-Albaladejo J. and Martin-Fernandez JA. zCompositions – R package for multivariate imputation of left-censored data under a compositional approach. Chemometrics and Intelligence Laboratory Systems 2015; 143: 85-96.

See Also

zPatterns, lrEM, lrSVD, lrDA, multRepl, multKM, cmultRepl


# Data set closed to 100 (percentages, common dl = 1%)
X <- matrix(c(26.91,8.08,12.59,31.58,6.45,14.39,
X_multLN <- multLN(X,label=0,dl=rep(1,6))

# Multiple limits of detection by component
mdl <- matrix(0,ncol=6,nrow=10)
mdl[2,] <- rep(1,6)
mdl[4,] <- rep(0.75,6)
mdl[6,] <- rep(0.5,6)
mdl[8,] <- rep(0.5,6)
mdl[10,] <- c(0,0,1,0,0.8,0.7)

X_multLN2 <- multLN(X,label=0,dl=mdl)

# Non-closed compositional data set
data(LPdata) # data (ppm/micrograms per gram)
dl <- c(2,1,0,0,2,0,6,1,0.6,1,1,0,0,632,10) # limits of detection (0 for no limit)

# Using ML for parameter estimation
LPdata_multLN <- multLN(LPdata,label=0,dl=dl) 
# For comparison

# Using ROS for parameter estimation
LPdata_multLNrob <- multLN(LPdata,label=0,dl=dl,rob=TRUE)

# Using random values < dl
LPdata_multRLN <- multLN(LPdata,label=0,dl=dl,random=TRUE)

# Two subsets of limits of detection (using e.g. ML parameter estimation)
dl <- c(2,1,0,0,2,0,6,1,0.6,1,1,0,0,632,10) # limits of detection (0 for no limit)
 # DLs for first 50 samples of LPdata
dl1 <- matrix(rep(1,50),ncol=1)%*%dl
 # DLs for last 46 samples of LPdata
dl2 <- matrix(rep(1,46),ncol=1)%*%c(1,0.5,0,0,2.5,0,5.5,0.75,0.3,1.5,1,0,0,600,8) 

mdl <- rbind(dl1,dl2)
LPdata_multLN2 <- multLN(LPdata,label=0,dl=mdl)

Multiplicative simple replacement


This function implements non-parametric multiplicative simple imputation of left-censored (e.g. values below detection limit, rounded zeros) and missing data in compositional data sets.


multRepl(X, label = NULL, dl = NULL, frac = 0.65, imp.missing = FALSE, closure = NULL,
            z.warning=0.8, z.delete = TRUE, delta = NULL)



Compositional vector (numeric class) or data set (matrix or data.frame class).


Unique label (numeric or character) used to denote zeros/unobserved values in X.


Numeric vector or matrix of detection limits/thresholds. These must be given on the same scale as X. If NULL the column minima are used as thresholds.


Fraction of the detection limit/threshold used for imputation (default = 0.65, expressed as a proportion).


If TRUE then unobserved values identified by label are treated as missing data (default = FALSE).


Closure value used to add a residual part for imputation (see below).


Threshold used to identify individual rows or columns including an excess of zeros/unobserved values (to be specify in proportions, default z.warning=0.8).


Logical value. If set to TRUE, rows/columns identified by z.warning are omitted in the imputed data set. Otherwise, the function stops in error when rows/columns are identified by z.warning (default z.delete=TRUE).


This argument has been deprecated and replaced by frac (see package's NEWS for details).


This function imputes left-censored compositional values by a given fraction frac of the corresponding limit of detection and applies a multiplicative adjustment to preserve the multivariate compositional properties of the samples. It allows for either single (vector form) or multiple (matrix form, same size as X) limits of detection by component. Any threshold value can be set for non-censored elements (e.g. use 0 if no threshold for a particular column or element of the data matrix).

Missing data imputation: missing data can be imputed by setting imp.missing = TRUE. They are replaced by the estimated column geometric mean from observed values. The non-missing parts in the composition are applied multiplicative adjustment. The argument dl and frac are ignored and X is require to be a data matrix in this case.

Note: negative values can be generated when unobserved components are a large portion of the composition, which is more likely for missing data (e.g in major chemical elements) and non-closed compositions. A workaround is to add a residual filling the gap up to the closure/total when possible. This is done internally when a value for closure is specified (e.g. closure=10^6 if ppm or closure=100 if percentages). The residual is discarded after imputation.

This function produces an imputed data set on the same scale as the input data set. If X is not closed to a constant sum, then the results are adjusted to provide a compositionally equivalent data set, expressed in the original scale, which leaves the absolute values of the observed components unaltered. Note that this adjustment only applies to data sets and not when a single composition is entered. In this latter case, the composition is treated as a closed vector.


A data.frame object containing the imputed compositional vector or data set expressed in the original scale.


Martin-Fernandez JA, Barcelo-Vidal C, Pawlowsky-Glahn V. Dealing with zeros and missing values in compositional data sets using nonparametric imputation. Mathematical Geology 2003; 35: 253-78.

Palarea-Albaladejo J, Martin-Fernandez JA. Values below detection limit in compositional chemical data. Analytica Chimica Acta 2013; 764: 32-43.

Palarea-Albaladejo J. and Martin-Fernandez JA. zCompositions – R package for multivariate imputation of left-censored data under a compositional approach. Chemometrics and Intelligence Laboratory Systems 2015; 143: 85-96.

See Also

zPatterns, lrEM, lrSVD, lrDA, multLN, multKM, cmultRepl


# A compositional vector (NA indicates nondetect)
y <- c(0.6,NA,0.25,0.03,0.12,NA)
dl <- c(0,0.01,0,0,0,0.005)
# Using the default frac = 0.65
yr <- multRepl(y,label=NA,dl=dl)

# Data set closed to 100 (percentages, common dl = 1%)
X <- matrix(c(26.91,8.08,12.59,31.58,6.45,14.39,
X_multRepl <- multRepl(X,label=0,dl=rep(1,6))

# Multiple limits of detection by component
mdl <- matrix(0,ncol=6,nrow=10)
mdl[2,] <- rep(1,6)
mdl[4,] <- rep(0.75,6)
mdl[6,] <- rep(0.5,6)
mdl[8,] <- rep(0.5,6)
mdl[10,] <- c(0,0,1,0,0.8,0.7)

X_multRepl2 <- multRepl(X,label=0,dl=mdl)

# Non-closed compositional data set
data(LPdata) # data (ppm/micrograms per gram)
dl <- c(2,1,0,0,2,0,6,1,0.6,1,1,0,0,632,10) # limits of detection (0 for no limit)
LPdata_multRepl <- multRepl(LPdata,label=0,dl=dl)

# Two subsets of limits of detection
dl <- c(2,1,0,0,2,0,6,1,0.6,1,1,0,0,632,10) # limits of detection (0 for no limit)
 # DLs for first 50 samples of LPdata
dl1 <- matrix(rep(1,50),ncol=1)%*%dl
 # DLs for last 46 samples of LPdata
dl2 <- matrix(rep(1,46),ncol=1)%*%c(1,0.5,0,0,2.5,0,5.5,0.75,0.3,1.5,1,0,0,600,8) 

mdl <- rbind(dl1,dl2)
LPdata_multRepl2 <- multRepl(LPdata,label=0,dl=mdl)

# Data set with missing values closed to 100 (percentages)
X <- matrix(c(10.47,8.58,59.72,19.30,1.93,
X_multReplMiss <- multRepl(X,label=NA,imp.missing=TRUE)

# Non-closed compositional data set
data(LPdata) # (in ppm units)
# Treating zeros as missing data for illustration purposes only
LPdata_multReplMiss <- multRepl(LPdata,label=0,imp.missing=TRUE)
# Negative values generated (see e.g. K and Rb in sample #60)

# Workaround: use residual part to fill up the gap to 10^6 for imputation
LPdata_multReplMiss2 <- multRepl(LPdata,label=0,imp.missing=TRUE,closure=10^6)

Multiplicative simple replacement (plus)


This function implements an extended version of multiplicative simple imputation (multRepl function) to simultaneously deal with both zeros (i.e. data below detection limit, rounded zeros) and missing data in compositional data sets.

Note: zeros and missing data must be labelled using 0 and NA respectively to use this function.


multReplus(X, dl = NULL, frac = 0.65, closure = NULL,
              z.warning = 0.8, z.delete = TRUE, delta = NULL)



Compositional data set (matrix or data.frame class).


Numeric vector or matrix of detection limits/thresholds. These must be given on the same scale as X. If NULL the column minima are used as thresholds.


Fraction of the detection limit/threshold used for imputation (default = 0.65, expressed as a proportion).


Closure value used to add a residual part for imputation (see below).


Threshold used to identify individual rows or columns including an excess of zeros/unobserved values (to be specify in proportions, default z.warning=0.8).


Logical value. If set to TRUE, rows/columns identified by z.warning are omitted in the imputed data set. Otherwise, the function stops in error when rows/columns are identified by z.warning (default z.delete=TRUE).


This argument has been deprecated and replaced by frac (see package's NEWS for details).


The procedure firstly replaces missing data using the estimated geometric mean based on the observed values and then zeros using frac*dl. The observed components are applied a multiplicative adjustment to preserve the multivariate compositional properties of the samples.

Note: negative values can be generated when unobserved components are a large portion of the composition, which is more likely for missing data (e.g in major chemical elements) and non-closed compositions. A workaround is to add a residual filling the gap up to the closure/total when possible. This is done internally when a value for closure is specified (e.g. closure=10^6 if ppm or closure=100 if percentages). The residual is discarded after imputation.

See ?multRepl for more details.


A data.frame object containing the imputed compositional data set expressed in the original scale.


Martin-Fernandez JA, Barcelo-Vidal C, Pawlowsky-Glahn V. Dealing with zeros and missing values in compositional data sets using nonparametric imputation. Mathematical Geology 2003; 35: 253-78.

Palarea-Albaladejo J, Martin-Fernandez JA. Values below detection limit in compositional chemical data. Analytica Chimica Acta 2013; 764: 32-43.

Palarea-Albaladejo J. and Martin-Fernandez JA. zCompositions – R package for multivariate imputation of left-censored data under a compositional approach. Chemometrics and Intelligence Laboratory Systems 2015; 143: 85-96.

See Also

multRepl, lrEMplus, lrSVDplus


# Data set closed to 100 (percentages, common dl = 1%)
# (Note that zeros and missing in the same row are allowed)
X <- matrix(c(26.91,8.08,12.59,31.58,6.45,14.39,
X_multReplus <- multReplus(X,dl=rep(1,6))

# Multiple limits of detection by component
mdl <- matrix(0,ncol=6,nrow=10)
mdl[2,] <- rep(1,6)
mdl[4,] <- rep(0.75,6)
mdl[6,] <- rep(0.5,6)
mdl[8,] <- rep(0.5,6)
mdl[10,] <- c(0,0,1,0,0.8,0.7)

X_multReplus2 <- multReplus(X,dl=mdl)

# Non-closed compositional data set
data(LPdataZM) # (in ppm; 0 is nondetect and NA is missing data)

dl <- c(2,1,0,0,2,0,6,1,0.6,1,1,0,0,632,10) # limits of detection (0 for no limit)
LPdataZM2 <- subset(LPdataZM,select=-c(Cu,Ni,La))  # select a subset for illustration purposes
dl2 <- dl[-c(5,7,10)]

## Not run: 
LPdataZM2_multReplus <- multReplus(LPdataZM2,dl=dl2)
# Negative values generated (see e.g. K in sample #64)

## End(Not run)

# Workaround: use residual part to fill up the gap to 10^6 for imputation
LPdataZM2_multReplus <- multReplus(LPdataZM2,dl=dl2,closure=10^6)

Pigs data set


Count data set consisting of scan sample behavioural observations of a group of 29 sows during a day from 7:30am to 3:30pm, and recorded every 5 minutes (97 times). Six locations were considered: straw bed (BED), half in the straw bed (HALF.BED), dunging passage (PASSAGE), half in the dunging passage (HALF.PASS), feeder (FEEDER) and half in the feeder (HALF.FEED).




A data.frame with 29 observations on the following 6 variables.


a numeric vector


a numeric vector


a numeric vector


a numeric vector


a numeric vector


a numeric vector


Data set kindly provided by the Animal Behaviour and Welfare group at Scotland's Rural College (SRUC), Scotland, UK.



Display Kaplan-Meier empirical cumulative distribution function and smoothing spline curve fit


This function shows the empirical cumulative distribution function (ECDF) for left-censored data as estimated by the Kaplan-Meier (KM) method and a cubic smoothing spline fitted to it (KMSS method, see multKM).


splineKM(x, label = NULL, dl = NULL, n.knots = NULL,
            legend.pos = "bottomright",
            ylab = "ECDF", xlab = "Value",
   = "black", = 1, = 1,
   = "red", = 2, = 2, ...)



Numerical data vector (vector class).


Unique label (numeric or character) used to denote left-censored values in x.


Numeric vector of detection limits/thresholds for each element of x (same length as x). These must be given on the same scale as x (use e.g. 0 for detected data).


Integer or function giving the number of knots used for fitting a cubic smoothing spline to the KM ECDF (see smooth.spline for default value).


Location of the graph legend. Choose one amongst "bottomleft", "bottomright" (default), "topleft" or "topright".


Title for y-axis.


Title for x-axis.

Plotting color for KM ECDF (see base graphical parameters par).

Line type for KM ECDF (see base graphical parameters par).

Line width for KM ECDF (see base graphical parameters par).

Plotting color for smoothing spline curve.

Line style for smoothing spline curve.

Line width for smoothing spline curve.


Other graphical parameters.


Graphical output.



# Examine default spline smoothed KM ECDF fit for Potassium and Sulphate

# Reduce to 5 knots for Potassium

Water data set


100 simulated samples of a 4-part groundwater composition in percentage subject to multiple limits of detection by component. The associated matrix of limits of detection is stored in mdl.




A data.frame with 100 observations on the following 4 variables.


a numeric vector


a numeric vector


a numeric vector


a numeric vector


Three limits of detection (0.75, 1 and 1.25) were considered for Potassium, four for Arsenic (1.5, 3, 4 and 5), two for Sulphate (29 and 35) and no one for Calcium. In the case of Sulphate, the detection limit equal to 29 is the minimum value registered for that component. All nondetects coded as 0.



Treatment of Zeros, Left-Censored and Missing Values in Compositional Data Sets


Following compositional data analysis principles, this package provides simple and friendly tools to explore and impute zeros, left-censored (such as rounded zeros or values below single or multiple limits of detection; a.k.a nondetects) and missing data; including zero pattern/group-wise data analysis and testing procedures.


Package: zCompositions
Type: Package
Version: 1.5.0-4
Date: 2024-06-18
License: GPL (>= 2)


Javier Palarea-Albaladejo and Josep Antoni Martin-Fernandez

Maintainer: Javier Palarea-Albaladejo <[email protected]>


Martin-Fernandez, J.A., Barcelo-Vidal, C., Pawlowsky-Glahn, V., 2003. Dealing with zeros and missing values in compositional data sets using nonparametric imputation. Mathematical Geology 35 (3): 253-27.

Martin-Fernandez, J.A., Hron, K., Templ, M., Filzmoser, P., Palarea-Albaladejo, J., 2012. Model-based replacement of rounded zeros in compositional data: Classical and robust approaches. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 56: 2688-2704.

Martin-Fernandez, J.A., Hron, K., Templ, M., Filzmoser, P., Palarea-Albaladejo, J., 2015. Bayesian-multiplicative treatment of count zeros in compositional data sets. Statistical Modelling 15 (2): 134-158.

Palarea-Albaladejo, J., Martin-Fernandez, J.A., Gomez-Garcia, J., 2007. A parametric approach for dealing with compositional rounded zeros. Mathematical Geology 39 (7): 625-645.

Palarea-Albaladejo, J., Martin-Fernandez, J.A., 2008. A modified EM alr-algorithm for replacing rounded zeros in compositional data sets. Computers & Geosciences 34 (8): 902-917.

Palarea-Albaladejo, J., Martin-Fernandez, J.A., 2013. Values below detection limit in compositional chemical data. Analytica Chimica Acta 764: 32-43.

Palarea-Albaladejo, J., Martin-Fernandez J.A., Olea, R.A., 2014. A bootstrap estimation scheme for chemical compositional data with nondetects. Journal of Chemometrics 28: 585-599.

Palarea-Albaladejo J. and Martin-Fernandez J.A., 2015. zCompositions – R package for multivariate imputation of left-censored data under a compositional approach. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 143: 85-96.

Palarea-Albaladejo, J, Antoni Martín-Fernández, J, Ruiz-Gazen, A, Thomas-Agnan, C., 2022. lrSVD: An efficient imputation algorithm for incomplete high-throughput compositional data. Journal of Chemometrics 36: e3459.

See Also

Aitchison, J., 1986. The Statistical Analysis of Compositional Data. Monographs on Statistics and Applied Probability. Chapman and Hall Ltd., London, UK (re-edited in 2003 with additional material).

Filzmoser, P., Hron, K., Templ, M., 2018. Applied Compositional Data Analysis. With Worked Examples in R. Springer, Switzerland.

Filzmoser P., Hron K., Martín-Fernández J.A., Palarea-Albaladejo J. (eds.), 2021. Advances in Compositional Data Analysis. Springer, Cham.

Pawlowsky-Glahn, V., Buccianti, A. (Eds.), 2011. Compositional Data Analysis: Theory and Applications. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., Chichester,UK.

Pawlowsky-Glahn, V., Egozcue, J.J., Tolosana-Delgado, R., 2015. Modeling and analysis of compositional data. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., Chichester, UK.

van den Boogaart, K.G., Tolosana-Delgado, R., 2013, Analyzing Compositional Data with R. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany.

Find and display patterns of zeros/missing values in a data set


This function summarises the patterns of zero and/or missing values in a data set and returns a vector of pattern numbers.


zPatterns(X, label = NULL, plot = TRUE,
             axis.labels = c("Component", "Pattern ID"),
             bar.ordered = as.character(c(FALSE,FALSE)),
             bar.colors = c("red3", "red3"), bar.labels = FALSE,
             show.means = FALSE, round.means = 2, cex.means = 1,
             type.means = c("cgm","am"),
             cell.colors = c("dodgerblue", "white"),
             cell.labels = c(label, paste("No", label)), cex.axis = 1.1,
             grid.color = "black", grid.lty = "dotted",
             legend = TRUE, suppress.print = FALSE, ...)



Data set (matrix or data.frame class).


Unique label (numeric or character) used to identify zeros/unobserved values in X.


Logical value indicating whether a graphical summary of the patterns is produced or not (default plot=TRUE).


Vector of axis labels for the table of patterns (format c("x-axis","y-axis")).


Vector of logical values to order table of patterns according to frequencies by patterns, component or both; with the first element referring to the patterns and the second to the components (default c(FALSE,FALSE)).


Colors for the margin barplots (format c("","col.right")).


Logical value indicating if labels showing percentages must be added to the margin barplots (default bar.labels=FALSE).


Logical value indicating if mean values by pattern are shown on the graphical summary table (default show.means=FALSE).


When show.means=TRUE, number of decimal places for the mean values shown (2=default).


When show.means=TRUE, numeric character expansion factor; character size for the mean values shown (1=default).


When show.means=TRUE, statistic used for computing the means. Either compositional geometric mean (type.means=cgm, in percentage units, default) or standard arithmetic mean (type.means=am).


Vector of colors for the table cells (format c("col.unobserved","col.observed")).


Labels for the cells (format c("Unobserved","Observed"), default c(label,paste("No",label))).


Axis labels scaling factor relative to default.


Color of the grid lines (default "black").


Style of the grid lines (default "dotted", see lty in par).


Logical value indicating if a legend must be included (default legend=TRUE).


Suppress printed feedback (default suppress.print=FALSE).


Other graphical parameters.


Vector (factor type) of pattern IDs corresponding to each row of X.

By default, a summary table is printed showing patterns in the data according to label and some summary statistics: number of zero/missing components by pattern (No.Unobs), pattern frequency in percentage, percentage zero/missing values by component (column) and overall percentage of zero/missing values in the data set. The symbols + and - indicate, respectively, zero/missing and observed components within each pattern. A graphical version of the summary table is returned including barplots on the margins displaying percentage zero/missing and compositional geometric means by pattern (if show.means=TRUE; expressed in percentage scale). Common arithmetic means can be also shown for the case of ordinary data (type.means="am"), however this is not recommended for compositional data.

The patterns are assigned ID number and by default arranged in the table in the same order as they are found in the data set. The argument bar.ordered can be used to re-arrange the display according to frequencies of patterns, of unobserved values by component or both.

A warning message is shown if zeros or NA values not identified by label are present in the data set. These will be ignored for the graphical display and numerical summaries of patterns, which will be only based on label.

Check out 'plus' functions to deal with zeros and missing data simultaneously.


Palarea-Albaladejo J. and Martin-Fernandez JA. zCompositions – R package for multivariate imputation of left-censored data under a compositional approach. Chemometrics and Intelligence Laboratory Systems 2015; 143: 85-96.

See Also

lrEM, lrEMplus, lrDA, multRepl, multReplus, multLN, multKM, cmultRepl



pattern.ID <- zPatterns(LPdata,label=0)


# Modify cell labels and show percentages along with barplots
pattern.ID <- zPatterns(LPdata,label=0,

# Show compositional geometric means (in %) per zero pattern

# Same but orderer by pattern frequency and incidence of zeros by component

# Data set with zeros and missing data (0 = zero; NA = missing) (see lrEMplus function).

# Show missingness patterns only

# Show zero patterns only and means by pattern based on available data
# (blanks indicate not enough data available for computation)

Variation array for grouped data


This function returns overall and separate variation arrays for groups in a compositional data set. Groups can be defined by either zero/unobserved data patterns or by a grouping factor in fully observed zero-free data sets.


zVarArray(X, label = 0, groups = NULL, suppress.print = FALSE)



Compositional data set (matrix or data.frame class).


Unique label (numeric or character) used to denote zeros/unobserved data in X (label = 0, default).


Grouping factor in fully observed zero-free data sets (groups = NULL, default).


Suppress printed feedback (suppress.print = FALSE, default).


This function is mainly aimed to investigate heterogeneous relative variation structures in compositional data sets containing zeros or unobserved values. For each pattern of zero or unobserved values, log-ratio variances (upper triangle of variation matrix) and means (lower triangle of variation matrix) are computed from the available data. Note that (1) NAs are produced for log-ratio variances and means in groups containing less than two observations, and (2) at least two components must be available in each group to compute log-ratios.

The overall estimate is obtained across groups by pairwise deletion. Note that, unlike the ordinary var function, maximum likelihood estimates of the variances are computed. That is, the observed sum of squares is divided by the corresponding number of observations n and not by n-1.

Group-wise variation arrays can be obtained from fully observed zero-free data by setting a grouping factor using the argument groups.


List of variation arrays by pattern/group and overall.

See Also



zPatterns(Water, label = 0)

# From a completed data set

data(mdl) # matrix of limits of detection for Water
Water_multKM <- multKM(Water,label=0,dl=mdl) # nondetects imputation

# Results split by two ficticious groups A and B

Variation array relative error


This function computes squared relative errors of variation arrays per group with respect to the overall variation array based on observed data in a compositional data set. Groups can be defined by either zero/unobserved data patterns or by a grouping factor in fully observed zero-free data sets.


  label = 0,
  groups = NULL,
  breakdown = FALSE,
  suppress.print = FALSE



Compositional data set (matrix or data.frame class).


Unique label (numeric or character) used to denote zeros/unobserved data in X (label = 0, default).


Grouping factor in fully observed zero-free data sets (groups = NULL, default).


Logical value. Show results broken down by group (breakdown = FALSE, default).


Suppress printed feedback (suppress.print = FALSE, default).


Squared relative errors (SRE) are calculated by confronting variation arrays (log-ratio variances and means) obtained per group and the overall variation array based on observed data. Raw SREs are computed for each available pair-wise log-ratio. The weighted version uses the corresponding group sizes to weight raw SREs. Total SRE is obtained as the sum of weighted SREs for each log-ratio. Further details by group are provided by setting breakdown = TRUE.


1. SRE for each log-ratio variance and mean. 2. Weighted SRE for each log-ratio variance and mean. 3. Total SRE across log-ratio variances and means. 4. Percentage contribution of each log-ratio to SRE in log-ratio variances and means. If breakdown = TRUE: 4. SREs per group. 5. Weighted SREs per group. 6. Percentage contribution of each group to total SRE.

See Also

zPatterns, zVarArray.


zPatterns(Water, label = 0)
zVarArrayError(Water, breakdown = TRUE)

# From a completed data set

data(mdl) # matrix of limits of detection for Water
Water_multKM <- multKM(Water,label=0,dl=mdl) # nondetects imputation

# Results split by two ficticious groups A and B

Variation array homogeneity test


This function performs a permutation test of the homogeneity of group-wise and overall variation arrays from all pair-wise log-ratios in a compositional data set. Groups can be defined by either zero/unobserved data patterns or by a grouping factor in fully observed zero-free data sets.


zVarArrayTest(X, label = 0, groups = NULL, b = 1000)



Compositional data set (matrix or data.frame class).


Unique label (numeric or character) used to denote zeros/unobserved data in X (label = 0, default).


Grouping factor in fully observed zero-free data sets (groups = NULL, default).


Number of bootstrap resamples used (b = 1000, default).


The permutation test of homogeneity is based on total weighted squared relative errors (SRE) reflecting on divergence between group-wise variation arrays and overall (see zVarArrayError and zVarArray for more details). Note that for groups including less than two observations SRE is set to NA.


Test p-values for log-ratio variances and means.

See Also

zPatterns, zVarArray, zVarArrayError.


zPatterns(Water, label = 0)